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donderdag 20 maart 2008

Stewart Island

Here we are, back from Stewart Island!
And we are still alive!!!
It has been a rough couple of days. We have walked about 50 km in 4 days time.
It may not sound a lot but if you add a rugsack of what seemed like a 100kg, mud up to our knees and a path that just was not there in some places, you can understand it was rather rough. But we really enjoyed ourselves and almost feel like little (or large) G.I. Janes now.
Lots of wild life, and by the end of the trip we kind of looked like a wild animal too.
You can imagine we where all quite emotional when we saw our car again and the first thing we did was go to Mac donalds.
Ah yes, creatures of comfort we are!
Of to Catlins now to see if we can see a dolphin or 2.
We will keep you posted.

4 opmerkingen:

Anoniem zei

hi kimberley
its mum here I am trying once again to put a mesage/reaction on your blog - have tried before but didnt work !!!!
just spoke to Brian on the phone and he has ben trying as well but without success must be the thick English !!!!
Happy Easter meanwhile, Scott and Ellie were supposed to be here 2 hours ago, nothing changes eh !!!!
We are supposed to be celebrating Bdays and Fathers Day and Easter, by the time they get here it will be Xmas !!!!!
Bye for now - hope this works !!!
Mum xxxxx

Anoniem zei

hey - dont believe this it actually worked !!!

Brian if you are following this - type it the funny letters in the box below. Then go down to Naam/ulr and click this, then the orange box below, "reactie publiceren" and click this and it registers your message.
Good Luck !!

Anoniem zei

Been reading your blogs with interest. Have noted Mums remarks, so hope this works too. Hope you are having a happy Easter. Here goes.

Hanna zei

Hey Kimberley,
of JI Kimby

veel kleine kusjes van kleine Kwint
T'is Pasen geweest en het sneeuwde: de wereld op zijn kop!
Kwint heeft nog geen paaseitjes geraapt, maar hij krijgt ze via een omweggetje (genaamd ikzelf)